A queer treasure with infinite fabulosity inside.

From time to time we manage to log into our various business accounts and come across reviews.  There is nothing better than seeing how many customers take the time to share their shopping experience.  We like to say our business thrives on word of mouth from the community and always relying on our customers over influencers. 

When we logged on today and saw someone had described the shop in Provincetown as "a queer treasure with fabulosity inside" we could not be more delighted and proud. People often pop in the shop and state "you're new" to which we now reply, "it's our ninth season", much to their surprise and we like to respond "it takes time to discover magic".

It is with tremendous gratitude to have created a shop that has such a following.  To spend a summer meeting friends of prior customers who have been directed to check out our brick-and-mortar shop when in Ptown, is a joy beyond measure.

To all of our customers, followers, and fans, a huge thank you for helping us achieve our goal of creating the queer shop we wish had existed when we were a kid.

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